For Cubase 6 we have implemented all HALionOne sounds into the new VST Instrument HALion Sonic SE. If requested, users of Cubase 5, Cubase Studio 5 or Cubase Essential 5 can continue using the sounds in HALionOne by following these instructions.
- Copy the content of the folder: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase * 5\VST3 Presets\Steinberg Media Technologies\HALionOne
- Place it here: C:\ProgramData\VST3 Presets\Steinberg Media Technologies\HALionOne
(Please note: The ProgramData folder is a hidden folder. If you can't find the folder in the Explorer click -> Organize / Folder & Search Options / View - and activate "Show hidden files, folders and drives")
- Right mouse click or CTRL + mouse click on your Cubase 5 / Cubase Studio 5 / Cubase Essential 5 application
- Select "Show Package Content"
- Go to: Contents / VST3 Presets / Steinberg Media Technologies / HALion One and copy the content of the HALion One folder
- Go to: "Mac OS X System Partition / Library / Audio / Presets / Steinberg Media Technologies / HALion One"
- Paste the files into the HALion One folder
Scanning VST Presets
In some cases, it might be necessary to rescan the HALionOne VST Presets after the installation to make them accessible. To do so, please uncheck HALionOne in the preset browser and check it afterward again.
If you get the window below, please click "keep" and check HALionOne in the preset browser afterwards.