There is no sound coming out from the MediaBay, the Loop Browser or the Sound Browser preview.
When auditioning, audio will be routed directly to the Control Room, if the Control Room is activated and it has not been set up properly, you will not hear the preview.
There are several ways to solve this problem:
The simplest way to solve this issue is to disable the Control Room so that the audio will be routed to the default output bus, bypassing the audio channel’s settings, effects and EQs.
To disable the Control Room, please go to: Studio -> Audio Connections...
You can also set up your Control Room properly. For the Control Room to function correctly, the Main Mix on the Outputs tab must be assigned to the set of outputs that actually contains your final mix signal. If you only have one output bus, it will be the Main Mix by default.
If you have more than one output bus defined, you can choose another bus as Main Mix by right-clicking on the name of the output and selecting “Set ‘Out’ as Main Mix”.
The Main Mix is marked by a small speaker icon to the left of its name.
Outputs other than the Main Mix are not routed through the Control Room Mixer. They can, however, share the device ports of Monitor channels in the Control Room.