Il y a quelque temps, nous avons observé que la stabilité du programme souffrait en raison de l'implication du port MIDI "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth" qui est disponible sur les systèmes Windows.
Si vous n'utilisez pas ce port, veuillez le masquer. Cela devrait améliorer la stabilité globale et réduire le risque de gel des programmes.
Pour ce faire, décochez la case "Visible" dans Configuration du Studio -> MIDI -> Configurations des ports MIDI
⚠️ In Cubase/Nuendo versions higher than 12.0.52, this port is hidden by default.
If necessary, you can enable the port by placing a text document named "EnableGSSynth.txt" in the preferences folder of your Cubase/Nuendo version. Show instructions...
Unhide "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth" in Cubase/Nuendo
- Close Cubase/Nuendo.
- Open a text editor, for example, "Editor" included in Windows.
- Create a new document.
- Save it as an empty plain text file named "EnableGSSynth.txt".
- The file must be placed in the preferences folder of your Cubase/Nuendo installation, which is hidden by default. The next steps described how to access it:
- Open the 'Run' command prompt by pressing the Windows logo key and R on the keyboard simultaneously. The Windows key is located between the keys Ctrl and alt.
In the command line of the 'Run' window, enter this path: %appdata%/Steinberg - This folder opens: C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg
- Locate the folder which is named the same as your Cubase/Nuendo version, for example, "Cubase 13_64".
- Move the text file you've created into the folder.
- Run Cubase/Nuendo.