In this article, you will learn how to check whether you are entitled to a free update to the latest version of your Steinberg software.
This may be the case if a Download Access Code* is redeemed after or shortly before the release of a new paid update (major update).
If you have an unused Download Access Code (or an unused Activation Code for older Steinberg software), it is also possible that you will receive the latest version for free.
*For older, still eLicenser-based software, the date of the first license activation using an Activation Code applies. Reactivations (renewed activations after a system change) do not affect eligibility.
License already activated
(used code)License not activated
(still unused code)
Unused Download Access Code or Activation Code
If you have an unused Download Access Code or Activation Code for a Steinberg program, please redeem it first.
Unused Download Access Code
A Download Access Code is a string of alphabetic and numeric characters divided into 5 groups with 5 digits each. Here's an example: 12ABC-DEFG3-HI4JK-5L67M-8NO99
If your unused code has a different format, it is not a Download Access Code for a Steinberg product.
To use the Download Access Code, you need the Steinberg Download Assistant.
Make sure you have the latest version installed. To do so, simply run the Steinberg Download Assistant to start the auto-update function.
Or update it manually by using these installers: ⬇ macOS | ⬇ Windows
- Open the Steinberg Download Assistant.
- Enter the Download Access Code and follow the instructions.
Unused Activation Code
An Activation Code consists of 32 characters (numbers and letters) in 8 blocks of 4 characters each. The first block is always 0240. If your unused code has a different format, it is not an Activation Code for a Steinberg product.
To use the Activation Code, you require the eLicenser Control Center.
In any case, make sure that the latest version is installed.
⚠️ An outdated installation cannot recognize the entitlement to a free update.
- Start the eLicenser Control Center.
- Click on Enter Activation Code.
- Enter the Activation Code.
- Start the license download.
Activation after or shortly before major update
If the time of the initial activation* is within the grace period, which begins several weeks before the release of a major version, you will receive a free update to the current version. There is an individual cut-off date for each major release, which marks the start of the grace period.
*The grace period does not apply to reactivations (renewed activations after a system change).
For details, please select your existing license below.
Grace Period update Absolute 6
All initial license activations* for Absolute made after October 31, 2022 will result in a free Download Access Code for Absolute 6. Please find it in your MySteinberg account under "Vouchers".
If you have just activated an older Absolute license, please allow up to 30 minutes for the new Download Access Code to appear.
*The grace period does not apply to reactivations (renewed activations after a system change).
You've selected 'Cubase 11 or older'.
This means your current license is stored on a USB-eLicenser (dongle) or in a Soft-eLicenser (on the hard disk).
Click 'Continue' to find out how to check whether you are eligible for a free update to Cubase 14.
You've selected 'Dorico 3 or older'.
This means your current license is stored on a USB-eLicenser (dongle) or in a Soft-eLicenser (on the hard disk).
Click 'Continue' to find out how to check whether you are eligible for a free update to Dorico 5.
Grace Period update HALion 7
All initial license activations* for HALion made after October 31, 2022 will result in a free Download Access Code for HALion 7. Please find it in your MySteinberg account under "Vouchers".
If you have just activated an older HALion license, please allow up to 30 minutes for the new Download Access Code to appear.
*The grace period does not apply to reactivations (renewed activations after a system change).
You've selected 'Nuendo 11 or older'.
This means your current license is stored on a USB-eLicenser (dongle) or in a Soft-eLicenser (on the hard disk).
Click 'Continue' to find out how to check whether you are eligible for a free update to Nuendo 13.
You've selected 'SpectraLayers 8 or older'.
This means your current license is stored on a USB-eLicenser (dongle) or in a Soft-eLicenser (on the hard disk).
Click 'Continue' to find out how to check whether you are eligible for a free update to SpectraLayers 10.
You've selected 'WaveLab 11.1 or older'.
WaveLab 11.1 supports both eLicenser-based and Steinberg Licensing-based licenses. The Grace Period process depends on the licensing technology. Therefore, please select which type of license you are currently using.
WaveLab 11.1
with Steinberg Licensing-based license
WaveLab 11.1 or older
with eLicenser-based license
You are already using the latest licensing technology. You can manage your WaveLab 11.1 license via the Steinberg Activation Manager on your system.
This means your current license is stored on a USB-eLicenser (dongle) or in a Soft-eLicenser (on the hard disk) and is being managed in the eLicenser Control Center.
Grace Period update to Cubase 14
All Download Access Code or Activation Code redemptions for Cubase made after October 8, 2024, will result in a free Grace Period update to Cubase 14.
Cubase 12 / Cubase 13
If you have initially redeemed a Download Access Code for Cubase 12 or 13 after October 8, 2024, the license in your MySteinberg account has been automatically updated to Cubase 14 on November 6, 2024.
Cubase 11 or older
If you have initially activated a license for Cubase 11 or older after October 8, 2024, it has been automatically updated to a "Grace Period eligible" Cubase 11 license. On November 6, you have additionally received a free Download Access Code in your MySteinberg account under "Vouchers". With this Download Access Code, you can update to Cubase 14.
If you have just activated an older Cubase license, please allow up to 30 minutes for the new Download Access Code to appear.
*The grace period does not apply to reactivations (renewed activations after a system change).
Grace Period update to Dorico 5
All initial license activations* for Dorico made after March 31, 2023 will result in a free Download Access Code for Dorico 5. Please find it in your MySteinberg account under "Vouchers".
If you have just activated an older Dorico license, please allow up to 30 minutes for the new Download Access Code to appear.
*The grace period does not apply to reactivations (renewed activations after a system change).
Grace Period update to HALion 7
All initial license activations* for HALion made after October 31, 2022 will result in a free Download Access Code for HALion 7. Please find it in your MySteinberg account under "Vouchers".
If you have just activated an older HALion license, please allow up to 30 minutes for the new Download Access Code to appear.
*The grace period does not apply to reactivations (renewed activations after a system change).
Grace Period update to SpectraLayers 11
All Download Access Code redemptions for SpectraLayers 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 made after May 15, 2024, will result in a free Grace Period update to SpectraLayers 11.
SpectraLayers 9 / SpectraLayers 10
If you have initially activated* SpectraLayers 9 or SpectraLayers 10 after May 15, 2024, the license in your MySteinberg account has been automatically updated to SpectraLayers 11 on June 19, 2024.
SpectraLayers 6, 7 or 8
If you have initially activated a license for SpectraLayers 6, 7 or 8 after May 15, 2024, it has been automatically updated to a "Grace Period eligible" SpectraLayers 8 license. On June 19, you have additionally received a free Download Access Code in your MySteinberg account under "Vouchers". With this Download Access Code, you can update to SpectraLayers 11.
If you have just activated an older SpectraLayers license, please allow up to 30 minutes for the new Download Access Code to appear.
*The grace period does not apply to reactivations (renewed activations after a system change).
Grace Period update to Nuendo 13
All Download Access Code redemptions for Nuendo 12 made after October 18, 2023 will result in a free Download Access Code for Nuendo 13. Please find it in your MySteinberg account under "Vouchers".
If you have just activated a Nuendo 12 license, please allow up to 30 minutes for the new Download Access Code to appear.
Grace Period update to WaveLab 12
All Download Access Code redemptions for WaveLab 11.2 made after January 23, 2024 will automatically result in a free WaveLab 12 license.
If you have activated your WaveLab 11.2 license after December 26, 2023, but before January 24, 2024, please find the free update to WaveLab 12 in your MySteinberg account under "Vouchers".
Grace Period update to WaveLab 12
All initial activations* of WaveLab licenses older than version 11.2 made after December 26, 2023 result in a free Download Access Code for WaveLab 12. Please find it in your MySteinberg account under "Vouchers".
If you have just activated the WaveLab license, please allow up to 30 minutes for the new Download Access Code to appear.
*The grace period does not apply to reactivations (renewed activations after a system change).
Grace Period update to eLicenser-based products
You've selected "All other products". This means you are using software with an eLicenser-based license and there is no newer version that is relying on the new Steinberg Licensing license management.
Please proceed as follows:
- Install the latest eLicenser Control Center.
- The license for which you wish to check the Grace Period eligibility has to be available on the system - either stored in the Soft-eLicenser or on a connected USB-eLicenser. Only licenses recognized and displayed by the eLicenser Control Center will be considered during the verification.
- Close all applications. If applications are running in the background, the verification might fail.
- Open the eLicenser Control Center.
- Click on the "Maintenance" button to initiate the Grace Period eligibility check for all connected eLicensers.
- If you are eligible, the eLicenser Control Center can upgrade the license in question - just follow the on-screen dialogues.
- Once the license upgrade is done, you can download and install the new version.
- Most recent and current product downloads can be found in the Steinberg Download Assistant.
If you do not have the Steinberg Download Assistant installed yet, please download it from this page. - Alternatively, you can find many product downloads on our download pages - especially older ones that are not available in the Steinberg Download Assistant.
- Most recent and current product downloads can be found in the Steinberg Download Assistant.
How to verify Grace Period eligibility
- Install the latest Steinberg Download Assistant to make sure all required components are up-to-date.
To do so, simply run the Steinberg Download Assistant to start the auto-update function.
Or update it manually by using these installers: ⬇ macOS | ⬇ Windows - The license for which you wish to check the Grace Period eligibility has to be available on the system - either stored in the Soft-eLicenser or on a connected USB-eLicenser. Only licenses recognized and displayed by the eLicenser Control Center will be considered during the verification.
- Close all applications. If the eLicenser Control Center or applications using it are running in the background, the verification will fail.
- Open the Steinberg Activation Manager application installed on your system (usually with the Steinberg Download Assistant).
- Click on the account button in the top-right corner and select "Grace Period Check...".
- The check will be performed.
- In case you are eligible for a Grace Period update, the corresponding application(s) will be listed:
- Click on "Update" to proceed.
- Log in to your MySteinberg account in your web browser by entering your credentials (Steinberg ID).
- The required Download Access Code will be provided.
- Please use the Download Access Code in the Steinberg Download Assistant to initiate the license upgrade process.
Japanese customers, please take a look at this page.