This is how to get your VST Instrument Set running:
1. First you must download and install the product. Please check your order confirmation for instructions on how to download and install the product. For Windows I would recommend to install all your Steinberg products as "administrator" and check "For All Users" in the installer. Then you should also make sure to run Cubase as Administrator. This is to avoid content and user rights issues in Windows.
2. Now you still have to enter your 32- digit activation code in the eLicenser Control Center. Please open the eLicenser Control Center under "Start--> Programs--> eLicenser--> eLicenser Control Center" for Windows or under "GoTo--> Applications--> eLicenser" for Mac. In the eLicenser Control Center please click on “Enter Activation Code” and follow the instructions. It is advisable to download or transfer the licenses to your USB- eLicenser.
3. Now the VST Instrument Sets will be available in your other products like for example HALion 4/5, HALion Sonic 1/2 and HALion Sonic SE. HALion Sonic SE is included in Cubase 6 and Sequel 3 product families.
Here is one way to access the new Instrument Set in Cubase:
You can add HALion Sonic SE in the VST Instrument Rack under “Devices --> VST Instruments (F11)”. Now you can directly load the VST Instrument Set presets into the HALion Sonic SE by using the internal load preset dialog of the HALion Sonic SE.