If the eLicenser Control Center on your system cannot connect to the internet, please install the latest version from here:
Mac: Download eLicenser Control Center Mac
Windows: Download eLicenser Control Center Windows
Updating the eLicenser Control Center fixes most connection issues.
Anti-Malware, Firewalls, Proxy Server
If the connection fails even though you already have installed the current eLicenser Control Center, it probably is being blocked by a firewall, a specific web proxy setting or other security measures.
In this case, please set your firewall, security software and/or web proxy to allow the connections named below.
Important note for Mac users: Unfortunately, the Mac version of the eLicenser Control Center generally cannot connect to the internet from behind a web proxy!
- Server name: licensetransfer.elicenser.net
- Port 80, 8443 (http)
- Server name: mb.steinberg.net
- Port 443 (https)
If needed, you can easily retrieve the IP adresses of the servers by using an online nslookup utility like this: http://dnstoolkit.net/
An internet connection is only requiered by the eLicenser Control Center while downloading or transferring a license.
If an existing connection issue turns out to be persistent, you still can perform license transactions on another computer (in another network). Obviously, this is the only way in case your computer is generally offline.
Only the eLicenser Control Center needs to be installed on the alternative computer. Afterwards, just connect your USB-eLicenser to download or transfer licenses. As soon as the transaction is completed, simply re-connect the USB-eLicenser to the computer on which want to use your license.
If you are running Steinberg software without USB-eLicenser - thus with Soft-eLicenser (virtual license container on the hard disk) - please note the instructions in this article:
Activating a program on a computer without internet access (offline activation)