Right after Cubase or Nuendo has started, an error message similar to the one below pops up, complaining about content files that 'could not be loaded':
Some content could not be loaded. Either, licenses are missing, or trial licenses have expired:
Find out more on how to activate your trial licenses or remove expired licenses.
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In general, the error message means that you have content files installed on your system - for example, audio files, impulse responses or presets for a VST plug-in - that cannot be used in Cubase or Nuendo since the required license is missing. The most common reasons for missing content licenses are:
- The license is stored on an USB-eLicenser that is not connected or recognized.
- The license is stored on a Soft-eLicenser (virtual license container on hard disk) that has been deactivated or corrupted.
- A trial license of software you wanted to check out has expired and the corresponding content is still installed on your system.
- The license has not been activated yet.
The solution certainly depends on whether you own the required license or not.
If you own the required license
- If your license is stored on an USB-eLicenser, please refer to this article: USB-eLicenser is not recognized, license missing
- If your license is stored on hard disk, please refer to this article: Soft-eLicenser help/FAQ
- If you have a still unused Activation Code, please follow the instructions given here: Software/license activation (how to use activation codes).
- If you have a license, but you need a new Activation Code since you've switched to a different computer, please have a look here: Software/license reactivation (requesting new activation codes)
If you don't own the required license
If you don't own the required license, you have two options: You could either buy the corresponding software from our online shop, or, if you don't want to use the content, remove it from your system.
How to remove content using the Steinberg Library Manager
The Steinberg Library Manager is a tool that allows you to easily manage content files. It is being installed along with many current Steinberg programs.
If you have it installed, simply run the Steinberg Library Manager, find the unlicensed content and use the REMOVE function to get rid of it. Or even better: Install the latest update available here first.
How to remove content manually
If the unlicensed content is too old to be detected and listed by the Steinberg Library Manager, it must be uninstalled manually.
On Windows systems, please remove the unlicensed content by uninstalling the corresponding trial software. Use the dedicated functions in Windows for this (Control Panel ▸ Programs & Features etc.).
On a Mac, there are no uninstall programs available. To get rid of the error message, you need to manually remove the unlicensed content files from this folder:
Your system partition/Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Content/
All content files are contained in VST Sound files which have the file extension .vstsound. Look for VST Sound files that include the name of the software stated in the error message in their file names and remove them.
In case of doubt, move the VST Sound file(s) to a different location first, for example to the Desktop. If this solves the problem, you still can delete them later.